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NumberWorksnWords maths and English tuition Inspiring Role Models

Inspiring role models for students

Students are young and are still learning about life and the world they live in. They are impressionable and will imitate actions and things that impress them, which is why role models should be an integral and central part of each students’ learning experience and journey. For children, role models vary from parents and teachers, to celebrities and athletes. Whoever your child may look up to, it is important that they have someone they admire who inspires them to reach their full potential and overcome personal challenges. We have compiled a list of three inspiring role models for school students.

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NumberWorksnWords maths and English tuition

How to build learning confidence

Confidence is key when it comes to learning and overcoming challenges. Building confidence in children can help them become resilient and learn from mistakes. As children get older, they are often faced with more challenges and in order to thrive, maintaining confidence is a must. It is through learning from role models, celebrating wins and successes, experiencing mastery, and rebounding from failure that children develop learning confidence. Read on to discover 4 ways you can help your child build learning confidence.

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Signs your child is struggling at school

School is the foremost fountain of knowledge and development that children encounter. Learning in the classroom gives children the ability to acquire knowledge on various subjects, such as maths and English. It is important that our children are enjoying school and have the confidence and support they need to succeed and progress through each stage of their education. As educators, we know that not all children have the same skill level and ability, so we have to be aware of those who may be struggling and need extra support. This blog explores 4 signs that your child may be struggling at school.

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How to keep children safe online

Keeping children safe online is top of mind for many parents. With technology and Internet access at our fingertips at all times, it’s important to take an active role in protecting your child online. Since the Internet and digital tools are deeply woven into society and many career paths, online literacy and skills are essential to succeed in life. To make sure your child has every opportunity to flourish as a student and later as a professional, it’s important to enable them with technical skills and online expertise. With the help of open conversations about online safety, and the many tools and strategies available to parents, keeping your child safe online can be done with confidence. To keep your children safe online, we have collated some of our best tips for Internet safety.

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Holidaying with children

School holidays offer excellent opportunities for family travel. Whether you are travelling to visit extended family, to explore new places, or visiting a family-favourite destination, travelling with children has its challenges, as well as its perks. Creating new memories, sharing experiences, getting lost together, and enjoying downtime as a family are some of the rich experiences that holidaying as a family provides. This blog explores 4 reasons to travel with children during the school holidays.

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