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Why learning styles matter

Children come in all shapes and sizes. Everyone has a preferred way of learning and there is no right or wrong way to learn. Learning styles determine how children acquire, process, and retain information. Some learn best by listening or observing, while others need a hands-on approach and have to do it to learn it. There are three primary learning styles, which are visual, verbal, and physical. Taking a moment to uncover your child’s learning style can help turn hard work into plain sailing. This blog explores the importance of understanding different learning styles and how you can provide your child with the best strategies to suit their individual learning style.

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How reflection helps children

Reflection is a fundamental part of personal growth and development. It allows us to pause, think, and learn from our experiences. Learning to reflect early in life helps set children up to become resilient learners and critical thinkers, who have the ability to overcome challenges and achieve success. As educators, we know that reflection is a core competency that is beneficial to both adults and children. This blog explores the benefits of reflection for children and how you can help your child reflect on their experiences.

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3 problem-solving skills to instil in students

Solving problems means making choices and thinking critically. Problem-solving is a foundational skill for children and the skills that come with it help them build confidence in their learning and improve academic performance. Children learn and develop at different speeds, however no matter their learning pace, it is imperative to help our children learn to tackle problems with grit and resilience. Problem solving helps young learners prepare for both academic and personal problems, in and out of school. This blog explores 3 important problem-solving skills to instil in your child. 


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Extracurricular activities for children

Every child has a different personality and interests, and they need to be nurtured in and outside the classroom. Outside of their favourite subjects and activities at school, children will also have aspiring passions beyond the classroom, which is where extracurriculars come into play. Extracurricular activities allow children to pursue specific interests in a real-world context and explore what they do and don’t enjoy, outside of their typical educational curriculum. Depending on the activity, whether it’s intellectual, physical, or creative in nature, specific extracurriculars can build skills in many developmental areas. This blog explores 4 fun and popular extracurriculars that may take your child’s interest.

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Importance of celebrating student success

As parents, there is nothing more rewarding and exciting than seeing children overcome challenges and achieve their goals. Celebrating your child’s successes is an incredible way to nourish their growth and development. These positive experiences are etched into children’s memories, and serve as a reminder of what they have achieved. Celebrations are more than just feel-good moments, they can propel students forward on their learning journey and keep them motivated. This blog explores the importance of celebrating student success.

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