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NW NewLynn 16

Benefits of goal setting for children

As we welcome in the new year, there is a feeling of hope and excitement for what 2021 will bring. The new year symbolises new beginnings, and the opportunity to start fresh. Oftentimes we use the new year as an opportunity to set goals and make plans for the year ahead. Goal-setting is an important factor in achievement and is a useful tool to introduce to children. Setting goals helps children to visualise their aspirations and dreams, and think through the steps required to achieve them. The process of goal setting can be motivating, and help set children up for a lifetime of achievement. This blog outlines four benefits of goal setting for children and tips for helping your child stay on track with their goals.

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3 ways to boost confidence in children

Confidence is instrumental to a child’s learning and development. Children who are confident in themselves have the courage to try new things, feel proud of what they can achieve, and be resilient when coping with setbacks. Confidence is a key driver of success, which is why it is important for children to be confident in themselves and their abilities. As parents and educators, we know there are useful ways to help boost our children’s confidence and self-esteem. Read on to discover 3 ways you can help your child boost their confidence. 


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The power of a growth mindset: Part one

For the last couple of generations, parents and educators have been encouraged to recognise and reward achievement in children. Positive reinforcement was seen as the way to motivate learning, and at the time that meant celebrating what each child was good at. Some children were good at maths, while others showed ability in writing, arts or sport and so on. It was also widely accepted that each child has a particular level of intelligence and the important thing was achieving to their perceived potential.

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The value of mentorship for children

We know that children are impressionable, and model the behaviour they see from others around them, including parents, teachers, and their peers. As parents and educators, we try to demonstrate the best behaviour we can, while finding teachable moments in everyday life. Having role models outside of a child’s family unit is important, as diverse relationships with people from different backgrounds are beneficial to a child’s development. Mentoring is a way to connect young people with others who can guide, support, challenge, and encourage them. Though mentorship is primarily associated with career development in adults, there is benefit in establishing mentorship relationships in children too.

We have compiled five compelling reasons to get your children involved in mentorship, which can support their growth and development, and lead to greater confidence. Read on to learn more about the power of mentorship for children.

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Learning with fun

While popular slogans like ‘no pain, no gain’ and ‘genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration’ have some merit, there’s a danger they’ll send any kind of fun straight to the frivolous bin. And there’s a big problem with that, because fun is every child’s friend when it comes to learning.

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