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5 iconic features of the NumberWorks’nWords English program experience

The way each student learns is vastly different, however from supporting thousands of students to learn through the NumberWorks’nWords programs, what they repeatedly respond to and enjoy can often be remarkably similar. With what has been observed and refined over three decades of centre-based tuition and from constant feedback from the professional team of educators who lead the programs across our centres, we have today, an iconic English program that boosts a child’s progress in reading, writing, and overall, introduces them to a real joy in learning.

As families today continue to refer to the well-established traditions within a NumberWorks’nWords centre as a signature experience that their children continue to love, we’ve taken time to list the 5 most iconic ways students experience a love of reading and writing and a boost in their literacy skills to last well beyond the centre.

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Parent Q&A: Tailored learning for each child to boost their confidence

“As an occupational therapist, my belief is that a strong foundation in English and maths in the young years is really important as part of children’s development. We decided to commit to tutoring and not look back in terms of costs to get it right. 

“What made the assessment so effective, was somebody sitting down with my daughter and giving one-on-one attention which I really liked. They were a trained teacher and referred to how many specific words she knew. It was very in-depth and provided me with an idea of her current level and how we would progress. Once she got rolling, I felt she had more confidence. So, that was the big tell-tale sign.”

We spoke to a parent of four, Amelia, about her initial experiences with the NumberWorks’nWords teaching team, what she enjoys most about the programme and her future plans for her children’s education.

Read the Q&A to discover how with a focus on confidence, each child has embraced their tutoring experience and is on a path to making exciting progress at school.

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5 Ways to Get Back to Basics with reading, writing, counting and calculation

When parents are asked to consider a ‘return to basics’, this brings a whole range of focus areas back into the equation. Establishing or reinforcing their child’s focus on fundamental skills can include: counting, calculation, reading and writing and for younger ones - even the art of play!

Rather than preparing for a specific test or exam, some parents have started to request a de-cluttering of the curriculum to allow for mastery of these essential skills.

Here are five tips for children from 5-years-old through to high school, whether they are back learning in the classroom, are on school holidays or are learning from home that will strengthen their abilities with a return to basics.

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Tutor Q&A: A Vibrant and Positive Environment

“The most rewarding moments I’ve experienced have been seeing students crippled with self-doubt finally starting to become not only confident in their work but proud of it as well.”

When parents invest in tuition, they not only consider the type of learning program they are choosing - be it online, in-person or blended learning. Likewise, they are not solely weighing up the content that is assigned: based on a child’s school grade level or on ability. From speaking with a number of families that have chosen to partner with NumberWorks’nWords, a huge factor has been the role of the tutor, who they recognise as a vital motivator and mentor to their children.

So what motivates a tutor to bring their best to NumberWorks’nWords sessions, day in and day out? We recently spoke with a Tutor who shared, “I enjoy how tutoring allows me to utilise a variety of my skills, from teaching children how to read the alphabet through to complex tasks such as thesis development or essay building.”

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Get a Head Start before the School Term with English and Maths Holiday Programs that Provide Rapid Progress

School holidays present an opportunity to get back on track with maths and English study, alongside play and new experiences that all contribute to fruitful learning.

For children in primary school, holidays don’t have to mean a stop to learning, especially when the lessons are made to feel fun while developing essential skills. As children add to their competency, parents are quick to realise that a boost in progress also equates to a leap in confidence.

We’ve tabled four ways that children can leapfrog ahead of recent school disruptions, including the NumberWorks’nWords holiday program delivered in an enjoyable environment that means a return to the classroom with a steady path to the end of the school year. 


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