11+ Tutoring & Tuition

Looking for 11+ Tutoring?

Enrol your child for 11+ tutoring with NumberWorks'nWords

Is your child intending to sit an 11+ grammar school or Common entrance exam? Are you concerned about their preparation or confidence? 

At NumberWorks’nWords we understand how important the 11+ tests and common entry tests can be to a student’s future education and career choices. Our individualised tuition programmes are designed to identify and address any English and/or maths gaps, and prepare for verbal, and nonverbal reasoning and creative writing so you and your child can feel more confident about the 11+ test used in your area.

If you are interested in 11+ tutoring for your child, book a free assessment today! At NumberWorks’nWords we’ll address the gaps in your child’s learning and extend their potential by teaching any missing content ahead of the 11+ tests. 

We also help students develop confidence, speed and accuracy. Our students make progress because our programmes are individually tailored to each student’s needs.

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11+ Exams: Navigating the Path to Grammar Schools

Are you looking for more information about 11+ exams? Check out our latest blog, where we dive into the nuances of the 11+ exams and what they mean for your child. Plus, we cover what questions are in the 11+ exams, how to prepare your child and how to interpret your child's results.

Click the link below to read!


Learn more about 11+ tutoring at NumberWorks’nWords

  • What exactly are 11+ Common Entry tests?

    The 11+ (also called 11 Plus or Eleven Plus) is a voluntary test taken by Year 6 primary school students who are academically inclined and will go on to a grammar school. It’s called the 11+ test because most students are age 11 in their first year at grammar school when they take the test. 

    Each education authority, with a grammar school, has its own test which may include these disciplines - English, maths, verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning and creative writing. Common Entry tests can differ from school to school as well.

  • Why are 11+ and Common Entrance results so important?

    These tests are only relevant if you want to apply to a grammar school for your child. However, even if your child qualifies for the 11+ test, admission to a grammar school may not be automatic. 

    Each school publishes its own admissions policy which they use if they have more qualified applicants than places available. Some parents prefer their children to have the benefit of this preparation without any intention of their child attending a grammar school. This is because the style of preparation has a wider educational scope. 

    NumberWorks’nWords offers 11+ tuition which consists of an extended level of English and maths and the verbal and non-verbal reasoning is based on logic, analysis and special awareness. 

  • What can parents do to help?

    The main thing is to help minimise your child’s anxiety about these tests, so they can perform at their best level. Selection for grammar schools is very competitive. Your child must know that you support them no matter the outcome of the testing process.

    All students learn in bursts, it’s seldom a steady stream of plain sailing. Achieving their best, whatever that might be, involves recognising when extra support is required. Here at NumberWorks’nWords, we can help your child prepare!

  • How do you know if private Eleven Plus tuition is required?

    Students need to be working at an ‘above expected’ level in preparation for grammar school tests. 

    We offer a free assessment for your child. We’ll discuss the results with you and make recommendations for the next steps to take your child forward. 

    The assessment will include a free introductory session so they can try a NumberWorks’nWords lesson. As a result of our assessment parents will gain an understanding of their child’s learning strengths, gaps and potential.

Check out our FREE Parent eBook!

Is your child struggling to keep up with schoolwork? Are they falling behind? Are they bored in class? Or are you looking for extension work for your child?

Check out our eBook to learn more about how we help children improve academically and build confidence through our in centre after school tuition.

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Ready to book an assessment?

A NumberWorks'nWords FREE assessment for 11+ tutoring will provide you with valuable insight into how your child is performing.